Why Off-White Shades Make a Difference

Walls, ceilings and floors do not always have to be in pure white tones. Off-white tones offer many design advantages. In England, for example, they have a long tradition in interior design.
In Germany, for decades the quality of a white wall and ceiling paint was determined by its highest possible degree of whiteness. A well-known German paint brand even explicitly advertised its product as the whitest white in the market.
What are the disadvantages of pure white tones in interior design?
From a design point of view, this fixation on the highest possible degree of whiteness is difficult to understand. The only advantage that particularly white walls offer is that they can save energy when lighting the room, as less artificial light is needed. In the 1990s, lighting costs were still a considerable factor - and so it was well worthwhile at the time that painting the walls and ceilings of a production plant of the car manufacturer Mercedes with a particularly white colour reduced these costs by around 20 percent. In times of LED bulbs, however, this advantage no longer plays a role.
Gallery: Off-White Shades by Farrow & Ball
Now that this argument for bright whites has disappeared, their disadvantages predominate. A high degree of whiteness ensures that the white tone is perceived particularly strongly. This ensures that, contrary to popular belief, a bright white visually makes rooms smaller, as walls and ceilings impose themselves on the viewer and thus feel closer to him.
Also, pictures and furniture look like foreign bodies against a particularly white background. It is not without reason that many German museums have started to paint their walls in colour in recent years. In doing so, they are returning to a colour concept that was also common in this country until well into the 20th century.
Gallery: Off-White Shades by Little Greene
Britain - The World Champion of White Tones
Unlike in Germany, there is a long tradition in Britain of using off-white and muted white shades. Here, even colours that are already considered solids in this country are called whites: The shade Elephant's Breath by the traditional paint manufacturer Farrow & Ball, for example, is more of an ochre or umber to the German observer. Nevertheless, Elephant's Breath is considered off-white and was one of the standard shades for walls and ceilings in 19th century English stately homes. To this day, it is one of the most popular colours from the Farrow & Ball palette.
Gallery: Off-White Shades by Morris & Co
To return to the title of this article: White is not just white because every shade of white also contains other colour nuances. This can be used for interior design: Depending on the proportion of blue, green or red, a white wall can be perfectly coordinated with furniture and accessories.
Gallery: Off-White Tones from Paint & Paper Library
Further advantages of off-white and muted white tones
- Muted white tones expand the room
- White tones with a brown or red component radiate calm and comfort.
- Any possible soiling does not become apparent as quickly as with pure white tones.
- Off-white shades appear more lively than pure white tones
The special character of off-white tones is supported by the special soft matt and velvety finishes of English emulsion and chalk paints.
Gallery: Off-White Shades by Sanderson
Gallery: Off-White Shades by Zoffany
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Pictures Sources: Farrow & Ball, Little Greene, Morris & Co, Paint & Paper Library, Sanderson, Zoffany: Teaser: Zoffany